2022-05-08 16:55
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky and for your kind supports!
We didn't go to a trip during GW, but we enjoyed your lessons every time.
We had very nice experiences concentrating for the English lessons.
See you on next Wednesday and new curriculum.
2022-05-08 16:50
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky and for your kind supports!
2022-05-08 16:50
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky and for your kind supports!
2022-05-06 20:59
2022-05-05 15:36
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky,
My son is searching topics every time for sharing with you.
See you tomorrow's lesson.
Have a great day!
2022-05-05 15:34
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky,
My son has enjoyed so much!
See you next lesson!
2022-05-04 15:30
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky,
My son is enjoying every time.
See you next lesson!
2022-04-30 17:12
Thank you so much Mr. Kavinsky!
Sorry late start today!
Jiyu is very excited to share the ordinary topics.
See you next lesson.
Have a nice GW holiday!
2022-04-29 17:11
Thank you Mr. Kavinsky,
He was excited to tell you about the theme party of kindergarten.
He was really happy to become the clown and sharing it with you.
See you the next lesson.
2022-04-29 17:09
Thank you Mr. Kavinsky,
He can say today,
"I ate Pizza."
That's nice!
And he said,
"I wanna join one more lesson today!"
after just finished the lesson.
That's amazing.
I appreciate you so much for your kindness and endurance.
See you tomorrow's lesson.