Hello there! I am Rejuv. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics. I a...
Hello, everyone! I'm Bacchus. In Roman mythology, my name is synonymous with the "God of Happiness."...
The best teachers teach from the heart, not just the book. Hello, I am Teacher Haijo. I graduated wi...
Hello there! I’m teacher Shasta, a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English from...
Hi there! Do you want to learn English? Are you struggling to learn it? Well, worry no more! Teacher...
Hi! My name is Idaho. I am a graduate of Education and my major is English. Like you, I am fascinat...
"Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom." Hello, everyone! I am Pelaez, a graduate of Bac...
Ready to unlock your full potential and become a confident English speaker? Look no further! I'm Est...
"According to Frank Smith, 'Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new lang...
Hello, everyone! I'm Dairagun, and I've been teaching here since 2023. In my classes, I aim to be a ...