Hello, everyone! I'm Tropica. Teaching is my passion, and I'm eager to share my knowledge and wisdom...
"With language, you are at home." Hi! I'm Chaddha. I love reading novels, manga, manwha, and watchin...
"Good day, everyone. I am Rosapus. I have been teaching here since 2024. While I may be a math major...
Hello! My name is Teacher Wassan. I graduated from Northwestern Agusan Colleges with a bachelor's de...
Hi there! I'm Ebenthal, a passionate and dedicated teacher with a love of watching dramas, anime, re...
Hi! I'm Rychen. I have a degree in Liberal Arts major in English Language. I heard that you want to ...
Hello, everyone! I'm Venmile, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the Univer...
Hi everyone! My name is Teacher Kian and I believe that the purpose of teaching is not to teach stud...
Hello, everyone! My name is Keanu, and I have been teaching here since 2018. I genuinely love teachi...
Hi! I'm teacher Ilbert graduate from Cebu Technological University. I took up Architectural Drafting...