Grade Pre1 - Day 14
Beginning Script
Scene Ⅰ.
Examinee (Student) : | May I come in? |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Please come in. Hello. |
Examinee (Student) : | Hello. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | May I have your card, please? |
Examinee (Student) : | Here you are. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Thank you. Please take a seat. |
Examinee (Student) : | Thank you. |
Scene Ⅱ.
Examiner (Tutor) : | My name is __________. May I have your name, please? |
Examinee (Student) : | My name is __________. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | All right, Mr/Ms. __________. This is the Grade Pre-1 test. OK? |
Examinee (Student) : | OK. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Well, Mr/Ms. __________, have you ever been abroad? |
Examinee (Student) : | e.g.) Yes, I have. I have been to the United States. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | e.g.) Really? Which cities did you visit? |
Examinee (Student) : | e.g.) I visited New York. I stayed there for seven days. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | e.g.) What did you think of New York? |
Examinee (Student) : | e.g.) I really liked it. It was so exciting visiting all the famous places I’d seen in movies. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | I see. |
Scene Ⅲ.
Examiner (Tutor) : | All right. Let's start. Are you ready? |
Examinee (Student) : | Yes. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Here's your card. |
Examinee (Student) : | Thank you. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | You have one minute to prepare before you begin your narration. |
< 1 minute > | |
Examiner (Tutor) : | All right. Please begin your narration. You have two minutes. |
Exam Card
You have one minute to prepare.
This is a story about a woman who took part in an eco-tour.
You have two minutes to narrate the story.
Your story should begin with the following sentence:
One day, a woman was watching a TV program.

Examiner (Tutor) : | Now, I’m going to ask you four questions. Are you ready? |
Examinee (student) : | Yes. |
Ending Script
Examiner (Tutor) : | Well, that's all, Mr/Ms. __________. Could I have the card back, please? |
Examinee (student) : | Here you are. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Thank you. You may go now. |
Examinee (student) : | Thank you very much. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Goodbye. Have a nice day. |
Examinee (student) : | You, too. Thank you. |