Grade 2 - Day 9
Beginning Script
Scene Ⅰ.
Examinee (Student) : | May I come in? |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Please come in. Hello. |
Examinee (Student) : | Hello. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Can I have your card, please? |
Examinee (Student) : | Yes. Here you are. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Thank you. Please have a seat. |
Examinee (Student) : | Thank you. |
Scene Ⅱ.
Examiner (Tutor) : | Good afternoon. |
Examinee (Student) : | Good afternoon. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | My name is __________. May I have your name, please? |
Examinee (Student) : | Yes, My name is __________. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Mr/Ms. __________, this is the 2nd Grade test. OK? |
Examinee (Student) : | OK. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Mr/Ms. __________, how are you today? |
Examinee (Student) : | __________. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Good. |
Scene Ⅲ.
Examiner (Tutor) : | OK. Let’s start the test. This is your card. |
Examinee (Student) : | Thank you. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds. |
< 20 seconds > | |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Now, please read it aloud. |
Exam Card
Digital Music
Music as a medium has evolved from analog records to compact discs. And today, many people buy music in digital form from Internet stores. They download the songs they have selected and enjoy them by playing them with computer software or copying them onto a portable player. In the meantime, CD sales have been decreasing recently, and many CD stores have gone out of business.
Your story should begin with this sentence: One day, Yuriko and her grandmother were talking about their favorite music in the living room.

Examiner (Tutor) : | Now, I’ll ask you four questions. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Now, Mr/Ms. __________, please turn over the card and put it down. |
Ending Script
Examiner (Tutor) : | Alright. Mr/Ms. __________. This is the end of the test. Could I have the card back, please? |
Examinee (student) : | Here you are. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Thank you. Thats’ all. You may go now. |
Examinee (student) : | Thank you. |
Examiner (Tutor) : | Goodbye. Have a nice day. |
Examinee (student) : | You, too. Bye. |